Got home from day job, changed into grubbies, then out to keep going with strapping Wally’s K181 together… Got the bearing plate in and snugged down…
Here’s a question! The manual says torque the bearing plate cap bolts according to the torque requirements on table 10-8…. And there’s nothing there for the bearing plate bolts. Any suggestions what people figure I should torque them down to?
Here’s a cap bolt and its BRASS washer… Why brass I wonder? They were specific about that in the manual, that the washers were brass…
So, next step is the oil seals… So I dug out and grease up the oil seals that I had in the seal kit from Ernie’s PO. I didn’t realize the K181 took two different sizes of oil seal, so got a little extra greasy figuring that out. Like my oil seal tool? Works pretty slick!
Here’s the flywheel-side oil seal in…
(I make it look so easy, in the pictures… You all missed the part where I drove it in too deep, had to pull the bearing plate again, fish out the oil seal, get the bearing plate gasket all lined up again, then drop the bearing plate on again… )
Got the PTO-side oil seal in, but didn’t get pictures because at that point LTBabe called potty, then I had to break off my short work session… Now she’s all tucked in, but LTGal’s out to a bike co-op event so I’m hanging out on the interweb again…