Well, got the garage cleaned out for LTGal, did all the pre-winter cleanup (hoses away, rain barrels away, patio table stowed, snow shovel and ice chopper retrieved from the garden shed) then did a bit more halloween plumbing for kidlet #1, so I figured I could sneak a bit more time out working on the tractor….
Jacked it up and bolted in the engine, THEN put the oil drain plug in… That’s a finagly little beggar in that spot, I say…
Got the air cleaner cleaned up and installed, put on the coil and condenser…
Started dry-fitting the electrical system back in and reading up on reinstalling the regulator etc..
Figure I should check the ignition switch (start at the top, I figure, and work down), so I may nip in and grab my multimeter… This is the new ignition harness…
So, things I gotta do/need answers on…
1. Fill the crankcase with oil… I have 2 litres of THIS
What’s the consensus here? Will this do it for me? If not, what do I need?
2. Redo the breaker points lead, vis Coldwater’s excellent tutorial above!
3. Run the fuel line/buy some fuel line clamps
4. Wire things up… I suspect there’s gonna be a few trips to Canadian Tire and Princess Auto before THIS one is done…… I’m probably not going to bother wiring the neutral start switch right now, as I don’t have the drive pulley installed, and nothing is connected to the transaxle. I just want to see if the thing will start/run, then we’ll take’er apart again for the full resto and I’ll start on the transaxle…
Do you think I should be putting the drive pulley on before I try firing’er up?
5. Put some anti-seize on the muffler threads…
6. Fire it up for a test-go
What have I missed/not thought of here?